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Tagus Park

Campo da Graça

The main ceremonies of WYD 2023 will take place on August 5th and 6th, 2023 (Vigil on August 5th and Closing Mass on August 6th, 2023), with the presence of the Pope.


These ceremonies will be celebrated in the area of the former Beirolas Landfill (ASB), with approx. 38ha, near the mouth of River Trancão, reaching the other bank (Municipality of Loures) by a long riverside stretch (62ha). A pedestrian overpass, covering both banks of River Trancão, will connect Lisbon and Loures, allowing for a contiguous area of about 100ha.

The intervention in the former landfill focused on the repair and requalification of a number of equipment for biogas extraction, leachate collection and transport to the Beirolas WWTP. The land was subject to clearing and modelling, and infrastructures were installed to supply drinking water, water for irrigation (Water for Reuse), electricity, communications and sanitation.

The Park will be divided into sections, where registered participants will be directed to. Each section will have drinking fountains (in total, 640 taps with drinking water on the Lisbon site), first aid and communion tents. In addition, there will be tents for access control, support for participants with reduced mobility and support for guests, 140 containers equipped with toilets and 200 chemical toilets, installed in four centres in the area. Furthermore, a food court will be available where participants will be able to buy meals (in addition to those who will receive with the pilgrim's kit).

The stage where Pope Francis will celebrate the Vigil and the Closing Mass, will have 3,250 of floor area and a 4-metre high altar, which will support around 1,250 participants. It will consist of two levels, joined by ramps and stairs, in a metal structure with a painted marine plywood base. The wave-shaped roof will provide shade for the Pontiff, the Papal Retinue, Cardinals and Altar Ministers, orchestra and choirs. This structure, in conjunction with the stage backdrop, will be a visual reference for most pilgrims, spread over an area of approx. 100ha, and 3,000m long.