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Carlos Moedas marks 60 days until World Youth Day

The mayor of Lisbon has marked the 60 days until World Youth Day with an address to the population.

"We are two months away from welcoming hundreds of thousands of youths from across the world to Lisbon.

World Youth Day will be held in our city because it was chosen by Pope Francis, and it is with great pride that Lisbon responds to the call and says it is ready.

That is our role at Lisbon City Council: to ensure that the city is ready to host the biggest event our country has ever witnessed or will see in the near future. That is what we're doing: preparing Lisbon for this unprecedented event in our city.

Everyone will be playing their part, some by welcoming people into their homes, others by taking part in the event itself, whilst others will be assisting those who arrive in our city by simply helping them to find their way around the city.

The challenge is huge: Lisbon's population will double or even triple in the first week of August. This will require an effort from all institutions and citizens.

Mobility will be very limited, especially in the areas of the city where the stages will be located: Eduardo VII Park, where the Pope will be on August 3rd and 4th, and Tagus Park, where the Pontiff will be on August 5th and 6th.

From mobility to urban hygiene and sanitation, our teams are motivated and committed to this great challenge, which is well worth the effort!

We will be showing to the people of Lisbon, the Portuguese, and all those who come to visit our city or follow us on social media, that Lisbon is a historic yet modern city that always knows how to welcome people!"